Be Well Dental

What does gum disease look like?

Gum disease is a progressive condition that happens when the same bacteria which cause plaque and tooth decay accumulates on your gum tissue. What it looks like when this happens is apparent, including the following symptoms:

  • Gums that appear redder or darker than your healthy skin tone
  • Sore gums
  • Gums that bleed when your brush and floss

These are signs of early gum disease, also known as gingivitis. If you seek dental treatment at this stage, your gum disease is completely reversible.

What Happens with Advanced Gum Disease

If your gingivitis goes untreated, the illness can become full-blown gum disease. As this condition advances, the symptoms above will worsen, and new ones will appear. For example, gum infections will cause the tissue to pull away from your teeth, making your teeth appear longer. Your teeth may also feel looser and may shift painfully without treatment.

The end stage of advanced gum disease or periodontitis is tooth loss. But if you seek treatment even at the most advanced stages, your Brisbane dentist may be able to save your natural teeth, though the condition will no longer be reversible.

For patients who may observe the above symptoms, we encourage you to call our dental clinic and schedule a check-up today. Our goal is to save your teeth and improve your gum health for life.

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