Be Well Dental

Contact Us - Be Well Dental

Contact This Location

Alternate Saturdays
Additional Information:

Car Parking: Free onsite at rear

Public transport options: 196 Bus at door-step South Bank Train Station a short 750m walk
Practice Information

Welcome to Be Well Dental, located near the University of Queensland. Our dental practice is centrally located and is a short 750m walk from 196 Bus at door-step South Bank Train Station. 

We value all our patients at all ages, from babies to grandparents, and all life in between. Dr Will and Dr Bao work tirelessly to provide across the board dentistry for healthy and vibrant smiles. 

Every smile has its unique oral health needs, which is why we collaborate with our patients to determine what treatment options work best for their lifestyle, oral health, and budget. We enjoy educating our patients about the importance and value of their teeth and gums.

We work with many financing options, just let us know if you have an insurance provider or are financing your dental treatments

Patients who are suffering from tooth pain or other dental emergencies should call us as soon as possible to help manage their pain.

Every member of our outstanding dental team looks forward to getting to know you and your valued family. We invite you to contact us so we can place you on our schedule. Even if it's been a long time since your last dental visit, we are just happy that you're stepping in the right direction.

Take a virtual look at our office and what we have to offer.
We are open alternate Saturdays