Be Well Dental

It is not good bye, it is see you again

March 27, 2020
Posted By: Be Well Dental - Brisbane

Dear friends, 

For years, Be Well Dental has opened our hearts and minds to welcome you into our clinic for healing and for connection. Today, we will be temporarily closing our doors to keep you, our families and our communities safe. 

As the surreal nature of all that is happening around us settles in. We meditate on the Buddhist notion: “without suffering, there can be no happiness. Without the dirt, there can be no flowers.” We don’t depend on suffering to experience happiness but just see that they are both there. So as we suffer some, we can learn to cradle it with love and tenderness. Slow down, conserve energy and nourish our minds and bodies in order to embrace our suffering with cultivated joy and happiness.

The daily joys that we receive each working day comes from our collective experiences. The connections that we have forged through the sharing of stories, the care that we give, and the smiles that we receive are what we will miss the most. We cannot work from home, but during this time of rest, we hope to stay connected with you in some ways; through social media or even a simple phone call. As we know staying in touch with you is what will keep us going. 

We will maintain a commitment to care for you. During the closure, we will answer calls and emails promptly if have any queries. If you experience a dental emergency, please call us and we can do the best we can to alleviate your discomfort. 

May love and light shines in you,

Will, Bao, Cindy, Ngoc, Alyssa, Andrea, Charmaine, and Emma. 

We are open alternate Saturdays